Project Officer – Swifts Creek Bush Nursing Centre
- Part-time, 2 days per week
- 2-year maximum term contract
- Swifts Creek Centre and remotely
- Applications close 30th October, 2022
- Salary – $38,000 p.a. with travel and consultancy fees extra.
We are seeking an enthusiastic and talented person to join our team for the next 2 years to support us in ensuring a sustainable business model for delivering our high-quality health service in accordance with community needs.
As the Project Officer, you will work with the Bush Nurse Manager, Administration staff and Committee of Management to drive, communicate and implement the Swifts Creek Bush Nursing Centre Roadmap. The Roadmap has been developed to realise opportunities to overcome challenges identified in running a health service in a small community with limited funding, a sole Bush Nurse and a volunteer Committee of Management.
If you would like a Position Description please send email to swiftsckadmin@gha.net.au
To apply for this position please send your application letter and resume to:
Sue Carroll, Bush Nursing Manager
Swifts Creek Bush Nursing Centre
PO Box 212,
Swifts Creek Vic 3896
Or email to: